Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Today I did more research.

I looked up most of the terms I was unfamiliar with, yesterday, and found out more about the process of animating. I found a really good link on (but it had some parts about 3D animating which I skipped, since I'm going to be doing my animation in 2D.)


-ease in/ease out: (From Adobe tutorials understanding the ease in/ease out graph) a way to help with smoothness of tweening using flash

-flash-a program that helps you animate by letting the computer interpolate (what assistants would usually do) and do the tweens in your animation

-photoshop- (I didn't research a lot about using photoshop for animating, but earlier on in the year I found a lot of tutorials about making .gif's on photoshop...)

-vector graphics-(wikipedia'd) computer using geometric shapes + math to represent images in computer graphics
--images made up of vectors/paths/strokes which lead through control pts.
---example program= adobe illustrator, 3D programs

-process of creating music for film/animation

New terms/facts: Raster (usually compared to vector graphics)
-using pixels to make art
--example program= photoshop, oekaki's, paint

-fps (frame per second)
--ex. "one ons" are 24fps

high quality animations are usually "on ones"

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